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Vriddhi is a concept perceived to help the underprivileged children by way of educating them to bring them into the mainstream and also bring in them, socially acceptable behavioral change.
This ideology was already being practiced by Mrs. Pranita Biswas for over 5 years in her residential premises by inviting the children of Laborers and Maids, where she has achieved very fruitful and satisfying results.

Majority of the resident children are not enrolled in formal education. The major cause of this is lack of proper documentation because major part are migrant labourers. This is not only the case of this area but is dominant problem in India.
Also, even if they are engaged in any kind of formal education, the quality of education is below par. A 5th standard student does not possess Basic Reading and Writing Skills even though Hindi is their mother tongue. Children of the age of 8-12 years are enrolled in Kindergarten and they do not receive the opportunity to upgrade to their age level.
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